Some useful commands for you to use.
Generic Commands
/legit [<player>]
Disable all cheats for a player.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.legit
/spectate <player>
Vanish, go into spectator mode, and teleport to a player.
Permission: ruby.cmd.mod.spectate
/fly [<player>] [?|on|off]
Enable, disable, or check fly mode for a player.
/god [<player>] [?|on|off]
Enable, disable, or check god mode for a player.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.god
/glow [<player>] [?|on|off]
Enable, disable, or check glowing for a player.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.glow
/rockets [<player>] [<power>] [<amount>]
Give firework rockets for flying.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.rockets
/commandblock|cb [<player>] [impulse|chain|repeating]
Give a command block.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.commandblock
/barrier [<player>]
Give a barrier block.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.barrier
/sword [<player>] [name="<name>"] [lore="<lore1>"[,"<loreN>"...]] [material=wood|stone|iron|gold|diamond]
Give an extremely overpowered sword.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.sword
/trident [<player>] [name="<name>"] [lore="<lore1>"[,"<loreN>"...]]
Give an extremely overpowered trident.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.trident
/enchant [<player>] <enchantment> [<level>|max]
Enchant an item with any enchantment/level.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.enchant
/stick [<player>]
Give a debug stick.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.stick
/heal [<player>]
Give instant health effect.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.heal
/feed [<player>]
Give quick saturation effect.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.feed
/saturation [<player>]
Give long-lasting saturation effect.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.saturation
/nightvision [<player>]
Give long-lasting night vision effect.
Permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.nightvision
/echo [<text ...>]
Send yourself a special colored/interactive message. Useful in commands.yml
Permission: ruby.cmd.player.echo
See all of the color/formatting codes.
Aliases: color, colours, colours
Permission: ruby.cmd.player.colors
whereami: aliases: [lost, where] description: “Are you lost?” permission: ruby.cmd.player.whereami usage: /whereami
suicide: description: “Don’t try this at home.” permission: ruby.cmd.player.suicide usage: /suicide
kill: description: |- A more powerful /kill. /minecraft:kill is called if a target selector is used. §6Flags: -f: Fake (The reason is a custom death message.) -n: No penalty (Keep inventory and respawn at death location.) -l: Strike them with lighning! (without damage) -w: Warning (Also runs /warn) permission: ruby.cmd.mod.kill usage: /kill [] [<reason …>]
trash: aliases: [garbage, dump, disposal, junk, waste] description: “Open an empty chest gui for destroying items.” permission: ruby.cmd.cheat.trash usage: /trash
reward: aliases: [rewards] description: “Collect your rewards or queue a new reward.” permission: ruby.cmd.reward.collect usage: /rewards OR /reward <command …>
do: description: |- Run a command with options. §6Flags: -c: Run as console. -e: Run with elevated permissions. (See also: /sudo) -g : Run with only the permissions of a group. -r : Repeat the command multiple times. (Lag warning!) -s: Run without saying anything. permission: usage: /do [] <command …>
as: description: |- Run a command as another player, but using your permissions. §6Flags: -e: Run with elevated permissions. (See also: sudo) -p: Use your permissions (default). -t: Use target’s permissions. -m: Send messages to target also. -o: Send messages to yourself only (default). -s: Run without saying anything. permission: usage: /as [] <command …>
sudo: description: |- Run a command with elevated permissions. (See also: /do -e) §6Flags: -s: Run without saying anything. permission: ruby.cmd.mod.sudo usage: /sudo [] <command …>
isop: aliases: [“op?” ] description: Check if someone is an operator. permission: ruby.cmd.isop usage: /isop []
op: description: Make yourself operator temporarily. permission: ruby.cmd.op usage: /op
deop: description: Remove your operator status. permission: ruby.cmd.op usage: /deop
opdo: description: Run a command as op. permission: ruby.cmd.op usage: /opdo <command …>
command: description: |- It is now possible to run plugin commands from /execute. When inserting a variable, surround the variable name with <>.
§f sender§7: The player or object executing the command.
§f placeholder§7|§fplh§7: PlaceholderAPI. Syntax: plh.<category>.<placeholder>
§7 Example: §f/command tellraw <sender> "<> players are online."
permission: ruby.cmd.admin.command usage: /command <command …>
fixbrush: aliases: [fixbr, /fixbrush, /fixbr] description: Fix the brush permission: worldedit.brush usage: /fixbrush